Paisley Bay’s debut

Into the Dream Never

Dream Warriors are real, and they battle for your sanity every day. The most unlikely heroes walk the between corridors of the Dream Never to battle the decay which would eat away at the boundaries of your dreams.

My contribution to an anthology called Horror:Odd and Bizarre

The Backfire Effect

Sad but true.

You Are Not So Smart

The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.

Wired, The New York Times, Backyard Poultry Magazine – they all do it. Sometimes, they screw up and get the facts wrong. In ink or in electrons, a reputable news source takes the time to say “my bad.”

If you are in the news business and want to maintain your reputation for accuracy, you publish corrections. For most topics this works just fine, but what most news organizations don’t realize is a correction can further push readers away from the facts if the issue at hand is close to the heart. In fact, those pithy blurbs hidden on a deep page in every newspaper point to one of the most powerful forces shaping the…

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What’s good with the world?
Blinded pigs who suffer the throes of bread and circuses
Muffle up some circumstances
and pass the processed meat (eat your neighbor, it’s okay).
Humanity… That’s what all we’re made of.
Dystopian reality confounded by
electro-sonic frequency
Look the other way…
Mother… suckers… -.-

I Love

I love that the smell of you is gone

I love that my time is my own

I love that there is silence

‘stead of disapproving looks

I love that I can touch whatever I want

without worry of upset or disrespect

I love that there is no knee jerk dissent

I love that all I have to figure out is

what to do with the last remnants of you.

The Secret War of Spiders on Me Continues

I had to put the first part out of my head so I could work, until I got home. After that, it was the Crying Game shower and a night of random twitchy flailing. Some people I know would have died. Like… literally driven into the farmhouse I was passing, taken out the family of 3.25 and willfully crashed INTO the gas stove to be sure the whole car went up in a fireball. For serious, because… spider.

I felt something on my arm. I look down, and lo, a freaking spider had shot me in the arm with its web and was traversing from the window to my arm. Hardly the first time some idiot spider has thought I would make a good anchor. WTF. I rolled down the window and it blew out… I was also howling like a … yeah. So, to avoid the heebie jeebies, I did what I could to put that out of my mind. Fluffy bunny mantra.

Fluffy bunny. Cute fluffy bunny. Filling my thoughts. Fluffy bunny…

Funtimes, Strangetimes

Yesterday was interesting. I was invited over to a virtual stranger’s house any time. Gave me his address and everything. Dude practically had tears in his eyes when he praised me for being independent. Awkward. I realize my life is kinda pathetic at this turn of the page but…. tearworthy? I seriously need to step up in the world if people are tearing up and offering me dinner at their house. Do I really look that skinny?

Anyway. The linked page below reminded me of a conversation had while finding out what someone was looking for. Aluminum window shades. Why? To help block dirty electricity. It was fascinating. I don’t really believe or disbelieve stuff as a rule. The world is full of weirdness, and quantum physics is proving a lot of weird stuff to be in some marginal way, truthful, if excessive in most regards.

But he started going at mach 3 with the words and talking on 9/11 and the seventh building and material falling speeds and then moved on to something called the Georiga guide stone or code stone or something… told me to look stuff up on some site I can’t remember. It was funtimes.

Human logic has some wack variables thrown in… it is a good cautionary tale to check one’s own logic tallys.

This bird is NOT HAVING ANY OF IT.

It really is like what is going on in your head during a freak out…

The Bloggess

We can’t get any more pets because we’re not responsible enough, so instead on weekends we go to shelters or pet stores to snuggle with the animals that no one else wants to snuggle with, like weird-looking dogs or cats who are missing limbs.  Even the weirdest animals eventually find a home but I’m not so sure about this one:

That is a parrot screaming at the top of his lungs.  There was a sign on his cage that said “See pet counselor for assistance” and I thought it was good that this bird had a counselor because it seemed like he was in real need of therapy.

I waved a clerk over and I was like, “Hey.  I think your bird is dying” and he said, “No.  He just does that for attention,” as if it was the 80,000th time he’d had to explain that.  And it probably was because a few minutes later another couple was like…

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